Montgomery County Career Fire Fighters
What We Do
Founded on October 24, 1966, Local 1664 has been fighting to better our members' wages, hours and working conditions. We fight for our members' interests in the legislative, political and social landscapes.
Who We Are
Our Executive Board and our Local 1664 Staff are committed to protecting you and your family. The Local 1664 Executive Board is a board that represents all aspects of the fire service and our membership and is committed to fighting for you.Who We Represent
We are proud to represent over 1500 active and retired Firefighters of Montgomery County Fire Rescue Service.Latest NewsThe Montgomery County Career Fire Fighters Charitable Foundation has been working to support and assist Brother Higgins' family since Saturday night. Immediate needs of the Higgins family are continuing to be addressed. As you know, Brother Higgins leaves behind his wife and two young kids.
The Montgomery County Career Fire Fighters Charitable Foundation has worked with the Higgins family to establish a fundraiser to support the family's long term needs. All funds will go to support the Higgins family. Information about the fundraiser and a link to donate is on the attached flyer. Please share the flyer and the fundraiser information far and wide to help support the Higgins family as they go through this unimaginable loss.
Please continue to take care of each other.
Download:Master Firefighter Chris Higgins LODD Fundraiser.pdf
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